
The Board of Directors is entirely volunteer based and works together to discuss past and upcoming events as well as the Treasurer report and other club business. All FCMOM members are welcome (and encouraged) to attend Board meetings!

Executive Board of Directors (Officers)

President - Jennie McMullin, president@fcmom.org

1st Vice Presidents/Programs - Bethany Portock and Mandy DalPorto, programs@fcmom.org

2nd Vice President/Membership - Bayla Feuerstein, membership@fcmom.org

Secretary - Janice O'Dwyer

Treasurer - Taylor Moore, treasurer@fcmom.org

Advisor - Leighanne Ludington

Committee Chairs

NOMOTC Representative - Bayla Feuerstein

Social (Family) Activities - Ashley MacFarlane, social@fcmom.org

Ways and Means - OPEN

Resale Chair - Taylor Moore, clothingsale@fcmom.org

Online Auction - Mary Lee, auction@fcmom.org

Community Service/Family Resource - Debbie Packard, community@fcmom.org

New and Expectant Moms - Julie Magid-Gershman and Emily Berndt, sunshine@fcmom.org


Playdates - Carlene Walker, playdates@fcmom.org

Mom's Night Out - Angela Huber and Rebecca James, momsnightout@fcmom.org

FCMOM 10+ - Tara Irvine

Key Retrieval - Leighanne Ludington

Webmaster - Kelly Brown, webmaster@fcmom.org

Publicity - OPEN

Partnerships - Anne Tahir, partnerships@fcmom.org

MAPOM Delegates - Janice O'Dwyer

Badge Maker - OPEN

FCMOM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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